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Atom To Byte is a social service community dedicated to make computer and essential healthcare services ubiquitous and to spread the awareness among the people about the need to know their responsibilities as a citizen.

Know Us Better

Atom To Byte is an exceptional online learning platform designed to cater to the diverse needs of students across various disciplines in academia. With a strong focus on providing free education and mentorship, this platform is a valuable resource for learners seeking guidance and knowledge.

One of the standout features of Atom To Byte is its commitment to offering free online mentorship. Students can connect with experienced mentors who specialize in their respective fields, creating a supportive environment for personalized learning. These mentors provide guidance, answer questions, and offer valuable insights to help students navigate their academic journeys.

In addition to mentorship, Atom To Byte also offers a wide range of free educational resources. The platform hosts a plethora of online courses, study materials, and interactive exercises that cater to different subjects and academic levels. Whether it's mathematics, literature, science, or computer programming, students can find resources tailored to their specific needs.

Furthermore, Atom To Byte recognizes the power of podcasts as a medium for learning and engagement. The platform features an enriching podcast series where experts and professionals share their knowledge, experiences, and insights on various topics. These podcasts not only enhance students' understanding of different subjects but also inspire them to explore new ideas and pursue their passions. Atom To Byte's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it accessible and easy to navigate. Students can create personalized profiles, track their progress, and engage in discussions with fellow learners, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Overall, Atom To Byte stands out as a commendable online learning platform that goes above and beyond in providing free education, mentorship, and engaging content. With its commitment to empowering students from all walks of life, Atom To Byte is shaping the future of online learning and opening doors to educational opportunities for all.









Join Us

We don’t earn money but we do earn love, warmth, and most importantly, a sense of responsibility towards society. We are just a dedicated group of students who have pledged to serve society with knowledge and education to bring a bright future for the nation.

If you feel the same within yourself, do join us and get to serve society with your knowledge and skills. Just fill out the form in the link below and let us know.

Reach Out To Us

Heads and Executives

Mohammad Areeb Ahmad

Founder, Atom To Byte

Venkatesh Korukonda

Co-Founder, Atom To Byte

Princy Pundir

Chief Executive Officer, Atom To Byte

Shana Tasneem

Human Resource Head, Atom To Byte

Anam Najmi

Advisor, Atom To Byte

Satyam Priyam

Chief Technical Officer, Atom To Byte

Muskaan Qureshi

Project Alfaaz Member, Atom To Byte

Mahwish Qaiser

Graphic and Animations Head, Atom To Byte


Content Development Executive, Atom To Byte


Content Management Executive, Atom To Byte

Shivanshu Singh

Planning and Development Head, Atom To Byte

Gyaan Ujjawal

Asst. CTO, Atom To Byte

Nishant Singh

OSR Executive, Atom To Byte

Yashaswi Jain

Management Executive, Atom To Byte

Nayan Mishra

Deputy Technical Officer, Atom To Byte