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Making Education Ubiquitous

Atom To Byte is a social service community aiming to make computer knowledge and essential healthcare services ubiquitous and spread awareness among people about the need to know their responsibilities as citizens. We focus mainly on families and children who are not having adequate resources to make their future. We, as a team work to bring small but significant changes in society, so that people can develop a sense of fraternity, integrity, brotherhood, and unity in solving their day-to-day work. We believe education and healthcare services must not be trapped within four walls of a room but should be ubiquitous. This step may seem to be small, but is significant and with our dedicated team of volunteers, we can do wonders.

Our Vision

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.“ These are some of the very famous lines of Nelson Mandela, which contain a lot more meaning than what they convey. Education is one of the most important basic rights that one ought to get, and still, the results are very discouraging. It is quality that matters, and sadly, most children are deprived of quality education still today. We primarily focus on ways to reach this section of society and do our best to uplift the fallen standards. It all began just a few months before, but we have grown a lot in this time and hope to continue doing so in the future too. It is a fact quite admittable, that the vision we have taken up, is far more involving than what we can give as a bunch of volunteers, but it has always been about the journey and not the goal. And that fuels our vision.

Our growth

It would be quite vague to measure our growth in concrete terms. We are no enterprise, that would analyze profits to measure growth. So let us be very clear on what we have done till now, and how have we grown over years. We began our adventure with two members in July 2020 and now have a team of 18 volunteers working tirelessly to help us develop each day. The most crucial component of our work is community outreach, so we started by getting in touch with people to determine what they were lacking in terms of quality. Everything was in place until the pandemic hit hard and made it extremely challenging to physically interact with people. Additionally, it created a chance to begin operating remotely in the way that has become customary. There's been no going back since that point.


We curate modules on technical subjects which are easy to follow


We release weekly podcast on spotify to address the struggles and troubles faced by teenagers

Social Outreach Programs

We enaware people on various social topics through many programs by voicing the cause of unheards


We publish articles and blogs on many social topics of mandate

Who Are We?

In order to assist society and uphold a sense of duty toward everyone, we are a group of students from high schools and universities all throughout India.

We put a great deal of effort towards overcoming the various socioeconomic challenges that the underprivileged members of society confront with the help of our diversified workforce. We are committed to raising the voices of the silenced.

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Join Us

Although we don't generate profits, we do make love, warmth, and most importantly, a sense of obligation to the larger community. We are just a bunch of motivated students who have pledged to use their education and skills to serve society and the nation as a whole.

If this resonates with you, join us so that you can use your knowledge and abilities to benefit society. Simply let us know by filling out the form found at the link below.

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Jalandhar, Punjab

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October 2022
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